Wirral Magistrates' Court

Cysylltu â ni:


Chester Street
CH41 5HW

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Mae sgamwyr yn dynwared rhifau ffôn ac e-byst GLlTEM go iawn. Efallai y byddan nhw’n mynnu cael taliad ac yn honni eu bod yn cynrychioli CTEM neu’r gwasanaeth gorfodaeth. Os nad ydych yn siŵr, peidiwch â thalu a riportiwch y peth i Action Fraud.

Amseroedd agor

Oriau agor y Llys

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

Oriau ateb ymholiadau dros y ffôn

Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm

Oriau agor y cownter

Monday to Wednesday 9.30am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 3.30pm



(If your reference number contains letters & numbers)


(If your reference number is a 10-digit number)


(Single Justice Service)


(Cheshire & Merseyside Central Payment & Enforcement Centre)

Rhif ffôn

03308 084 407
0300 303 0656

(Single Justice Service (SJS) enquiries only)

01928 703 324

(Cheshire & Merseyside Central Payment & Enforcement Centre - Enquires regarding outstanding fines or payments)

0300 790 9901

(Automated Payment Line)

0300 332 1000

(Citizens Advice / Witness Support)

Cyfleusterau yn yr adeilad

Os oes gennych anabledd a’ch bod angen cymorth i ddod i wrandawiad, cysylltwch â 03308 084 407.

Dim parcio

There are no parking facilities available at this building.

Mynediad i bobl anabl

Limited access for wheelchair users – please contact site for further guidance.

Anableddau cudd

This site supports the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme. Lanyards relating to the scheme are available upon request at the court.

Rhwydwaith Blodau'r Haul Anableddau Cudd

Mae cortynnau gwddf ar gael ar gais.

Cŵn cymorth

Assistance dogs are welcome.

Dolen glyw

Hearing loop available in all hearing rooms and the general enquiry counter.


Lift available upon request for access to the first floor hearing rooms.

Toiledau cyhoeddus

Public toilets are available on the ground and first floor public areas upon request.

Toiled anabl

Accessible toilet available on the first floor.


Vending machines available with a cost – cold water freely available on the court landing area.

Ystafell gyfweld

Interview booths available on the first floor.

Cyfleuster newid cewynnau babanod

Baby changing facilities available on the first floor public landing area.

Ystafell weddïo/dawel

Prayer room available upon request.

Cyfleusterau fideo

Video conference and prison to court video link facilities available.  For queries please contact: 03308 084 407 or email contactcrime@justice.gov.uk

Cysylltiad rhwydwaith di-wifr

Wi-Fi is available throughout the building.  Posters are displayed on how to connect.

Ffilmio a llogi lleoliad

Please contact us for requests to hire this building for events/filming on 0161 240 5082 / 020 3334 3728 or email NWRegionaSupport@justice.gov.uk

Cyfieithwyr neu Ddehonglwyr

Cael cyfieithydd mewn llys neu dribiwnlys. (opens in new tab)

Wirral Magistrates' Court

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn ymdrin â

  • Troseddu

  • Y Weithdrefn Un Ynad

Gwneud cwyn

Cysylltwch â ni i wneud cwyn (opens in new tab)

Codau llys ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol cyfreithiol

Cod lleoliad Llys yr Ynadon: 2271

DX: 17888 Birkenhead

Cynllun mynediad i ddefnyddwyr proffesiynol y llysoedd a’r tribiwnlysoedd

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn rhan o’r cynllun hwn

Cofrestru ar gyfer y cynllun (opens in new tab)

Llwyfan Cyffredin GLlTEM

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn rhan o’r cynllun hwn