Swindon Magistrates' Court
Visit us:
Princes Street
Write to us:
The Law Courts
Islington Street
Additional information
Scammers are mimicking genuine HMCTS phone numbers and email addresses. They may demand payment and claim to be from HMRC or enforcement. If you're unsure, do not pay anything and report the scam toAction Fraud.
Opening times
- Court open
9am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday
- Telephone enquiries answered
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
- Enquiries
(Crime Customer Service Centre - if the reference number contains letters & numbers)
- Enquiries
(If your reference number is a 10-digit number)
- Social security and child support
- sscsa-cardiff@justice.gov.uk
- Single Justice Service
(Single Justice Service)
- Enquiries
0330 808 4407
(Crime Customer Service Centre - Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm, Saturday 8:30am to 2pm)
- Payments
- 0300 123 9252
- Witness service
- 0300 332 1000
- Witness service
01249 766 100
(Witness care unit)
- Social security and child support
- 0300 123 1142
- Single Justice Service
0300 303 0656
(Single Justice Service Contact Centre - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Building facilities
If you have a disability and need help coming to a hearing, please contact 0330 808 4407 .
Public parking is available adjacent to this court.
Disabled access
Disabled access, toilet facilities and lifts
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network
Lanyards available on request.
Assistance dogs
Assisted dogs are welcome at this court.
Hearing Loop
The building has a portable hearing enhancement system available by prior arrangement. Please contact the court by telephone or email to let us know of your requirements.
Interview room
Interview rooms are available at this Court.
Baby changing facility
Baby changing facilities are available.
Video facilities
This court has Prison Video Link facilities which is also available for conferences and legal visits. To book a booth email wi-swindonmcadmin@justice.gov.uk, subject heading Video Link Booking or telephone 01793 699806 .
Translators or Interpreters
Get an interpreter at a court or tribunal. (opens in new tab)

Swindon Magistrates' Court
This location handles
- Claims against employers (opens in new tab)
Single justice procedure
- Benefits (opens in new tab)
Make a complaint
Contact us to make a complaint (opens in new tab)
Court codes for legal professionals
Magistrates' Court location code: 3021
DX: 118725 Swindon 7
Professional users’ court and tribunal access scheme
This location participates in this scheme
Register for the scheme (opens in new tab)