Rolls Building, Business and Property Courts of England & Wales
Visit or contact us:
7 Rolls Buildings
Fetter Lane
Additional information
Scammers are mimicking genuine HMCTS phone numbers and email addresses. They may demand payment and claim to be from HMRC or enforcement. If you're unsure, do not pay anything and report the scam toAction Fraud.
Opening times
- Court open
9am to 4:30pm
- Counter open
10am to 4:30pm
- Telephone enquiries answered
9am to 5pm
- Enquiries
(Insolvency and Companies Court)
- Enquiries
(London Circuit Commercial, Admiralty, Commercial & Technological Listings)
- Enquiries
(Chancery Judges Listings)
- Enquiries
(Circuit Commercial, Admiralty, Commercial,Technology & Construction & chancery Issue.)
- Enquiries
(Chancery Masters Appointments)
- Enquiries
(Consultation Room Bookings)
- Enquiries
(Commercial & Technological & Construction Listings)
- Enquiries
(Companies Winding Up)
- Enquiries
(Insolvency & Companies Judges Clerks/Listing)
- Enquiries
020 7947 7156, 020 7947 7357
(London Circuit Commercial, Admiralty, Commercial & Technology & Construction Listings)
- Enquiries
020 7947 6690
(Chancery Judges Listing)
- Enquiries
020 7947 6731
(Insolvency & Companies Judges hearings)
- Enquiries
020 7947 6102, 6294 & 7592
(Insolvency & Companies Issue (incl. Official Receiver's payments))
- Enquiries
020 7947 7783
(Circuit Commercial, Admiralty, Commercial, Technology & Construction & Chancery Issue)
- Enquiries
020 7947 7391
(Chancery Masters Appointments)
- Enquiries
020 7947 6516
(Companies Winding Up)
- Enquiries
020 7947 7592
(Insolvency and Companies (excl. Official Receiver's payments))
- Enquiries
020 7947 6148
(Audio & Transcription)
- Enquiries
020 7947 7929
(Miscellaneous Payments)
- Enquiries
020 7947 6585
(Consultation Room Booking)
Building facilities
If you have a disability and need help coming to a hearing, please contact 020 7947 7156, 020 7947 7357.
No parking
There are no parking facilities available at or near this building. All court users are requested to make alternative travel arrangements.
Disabled access
If you have a Disability and need help coming to a Hearing, please contact 0207 947 7000 for assistance and guidance.
Assistance dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome.
Hearing Loop
The Court has hearing enhancement facilities.
Security arch
The Rolls Building has in use, a Security Arch. Please alert a security officer beforehand if you have a pacemaker fitted. All Court Users and thier possessions will be subject to a search by security upon entering the building.
Lifts are available in this building to access the first to the fifth floors.
Public toilets
Public toilets are available on the first to the fifth floors.
Disabled toilet
Accessible toilets are available on the first to the fifth floors.
Interview room
There are 55 consultation rooms that are available and can be pre-booked for a fee
Baby changing facility
Baby changing facilities are available in the Accessible/Disabled toilets on the ground floor. Baby nursing and breastfeeding rooms are also available on request.
Video facilities
Court/hearing room video conferencing facilities are available (by prior arrangement)
Wireless network connection
Wi-Fi is available to Professional Court Users and court visitors. In Court facilities will be available for parties own IT equipment, e.g. electronic presentation of evidence.
Translators or Interpreters
Get an interpreter at a court or tribunal. (opens in new tab)

Rolls Building, Business and Property Courts of England & Wales
This location handles
- Bankruptcy (opens in new tab)
- Business and Property (opens in new tab)
High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases
Make a complaint
Contact us to make a complaint (opens in new tab)
Court codes for legal professionals
DX: 160040 Strand 4
Professional users’ court and tribunal access scheme
This location does not participate in this scheme
Learn about the scheme (opens in new tab)