Plymouth Magistrates' Court

Cysylltu â ni:


St Andrews Street

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Mae sgamwyr yn dynwared rhifau ffôn ac e-byst GLlTEM go iawn. Efallai y byddan nhw’n mynnu cael taliad ac yn honni eu bod yn cynrychioli CTEM neu’r gwasanaeth gorfodaeth. Os nad ydych yn siŵr, peidiwch â thalu a riportiwch y peth i Action Fraud.

Amseroedd agor

Oriau agor y Llys

9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Dim gwasanaeth cownter ar gael

No counter service at this court

Oriau ateb ymholiadau dros y ffôn

Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm



(If your reference number contains letters and numbers)


(If your reference number is a 10-digit number)


(Single Justice Service)

Nawdd cymdeithasol a chynnal plant

Rhif ffôn

0330 808 4407
0300 123 9252
Gwasanaeth i dystion
0300 332 1000
Nawdd cymdeithasol a chynnal plant
0300 123 1142
0300 123 9252

(Fines enforcement)

0300 303 0656

(Single Justice Service (SJS) – Enquiries Only)

Cyfleusterau yn yr adeilad

Os oes gennych anabledd a’ch bod angen cymorth i ddod i wrandawiad, cysylltwch â 0330 808 4407.

Dim parcio

There are no customer parking facilities at this venue, however paid offsite parking is available on the main road at the front of the building and a car park 40 metres from the main entrance.

Mynediad i bobl anabl

A disabled ramp leads from the pavement to the main entrance of the court. There is a disabled access gate for entry to the foyer as a wheelchair will not fit through the security arch. A disabled lift is located on the ground floor for access to Court 7. This can be activated by security

Rhwydwaith Blodau'r Haul Anableddau Cudd

Mae cortynnau gwddf ar gael ar gais.

Cŵn cymorth

Assistance are welcome on site.

Dolen glyw

Court 1 has a fixed hearing loop. Contact front of house on 01752 677475.

Bwa diogelwch

For Safety and Security, all users and their possessions will be searched by security when they enter the building. We have a security arch. Please alert security if you have a pacemaker.  

Toiledau cyhoeddus

Male and female public toilets are situated on the ground floor in the main foyer.

Toiled anabl

Disabled toilet facilities are available on the ground floor in the main foyer for public use.


Vending machines serving hot and cold drinks and snacks.

Ystafell gyfweld

4 interview rooms are available.

Ystafell aros

The building has two public waiting area on the ground floor on each side of the building outside Courts 1,2 and 3 – Courts 4,5 and 6.  There are separate witness waiting areas. Please ask for details.

Cyfleuster newid cewynnau babanod

Baby changing facilities are available in the disabled toilet on the ground floor.

Cyfleusterau fideo

This court has Prison Video Link facilities which is also available for conferences and legal visits. To book a booth email, subject heading – Video Link Booking or telephone 01752 677475.  

Cysylltiad rhwydwaith di-wifr

No public Wifi is available.

Gwasanaeth tystion

Witness care offices are situated outside courts 4, 5 and 6.

Cyfieithwyr neu Ddehonglwyr

Cael cyfieithydd mewn llys neu dribiwnlys. (opens in new tab)

Plymouth Magistrates' Court

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn ymdrin â

Gwneud cwyn

Cysylltwch â ni i wneud cwyn (opens in new tab)

Codau llys ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol cyfreithiol

Cod lleoliad Llys yr Ynadon: 1302

DX: DX 98470 PLY

Cynllun mynediad i ddefnyddwyr proffesiynol y llysoedd a’r tribiwnlysoedd

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn rhan o’r cynllun hwn

Cofrestru ar gyfer y cynllun (opens in new tab)