Peterborough Combined Court Centre
Visit or contact us:
Crown Buildings
Additional information
Scammers are mimicking genuine HMCTS phone numbers and email addresses. They may demand payment and claim to be from HMRC or enforcement. If you're unsure, do not pay anything and report the scam toAction Fraud.
Opening times
- Court open
8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday
- Counter open
10am to 2pm, by prior appointment only
- Family court
(Including C100 applications)
- Enforcement
- Crown court
(for Crown Court matters)
- Breathing space enquiries
- Financial Remedy
- County court fax
- 01264 347892
- Crown court
01223 488 321
(Enquiries line open 9am to 5pm)
- Enquiries
0300 303 0642
(Divorce Contact Centre - Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm)
- Enquiries
0300 123 5577
(National Contact Centre for Civil & Family Court - Monday to Friday 8:30am -5pm)
- Family public law (children in care)
0330 808 4424
(Digital process for case numbers starting with C5)
- Jury service
01223 488 309
(Crown Court only)
- Witness service
- 0300 332 1000
Building facilities
If you have a disability and need help coming to a hearing, please contact 0300 303 0642.
Public parking can be found in the Key Theatre car park or Wirrina car park (less expensive).
Disabled access
This building has level access to the building entrance, and court room.
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network
Lanyards available on request.
Assistance dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome
Hearing Loop
A loop hearing facility is available in the Counter area and Court's 1,2 and 3.
Vending machine for hot drinks and snacks.
Interview room
Five interview rooms are available at this court. These rooms cannot be booked in advance but if you would like the use of one please see the receptionist on the day of the hearing.
Baby changing facility
Baby changing facilities can be found in the first aid room.
Video facilities
Video conference facilities excluding prison to court video links (for County and Family Court proceedings) Court/hearing room video conferencing facilities and prison to court video link facilities are available (by prior arrangement for Criminal proceedings)
Wireless network connection
This court has wireless internet access available within the building. This is a payable service.
Translators or Interpreters
Get an interpreter at a court or tribunal. (opens in new tab)

Peterborough Combined Court Centre
This location handles
- Adoption (opens in new tab)
- Bankruptcy (opens in new tab)
- Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner (opens in new tab)
- Divorce hearings (opens in new tab)
- Domestic abuse (opens in new tab)
- Financial Remedy (opens in new tab)
High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases
- Housing (opens in new tab)
- Money claims (opens in new tab)
- Benefits (opens in new tab)
Find out more about
- Breathing Space (opens in new tab)
Make a complaint
Contact us to make a complaint (opens in new tab)
Court codes for legal professionals
Crown Court location code: 473
County Court location code: 294
Family Court location code: 294
DX: 702302 Peterborough 8
Professional users’ court and tribunal access scheme
This location participates in this scheme
Register for the scheme (opens in new tab)
HMCTS Common Platform
This location participates in this scheme