Patents Court

Cysylltu â ni:


Rolls Building
7 Rolls Buildings
Fetter Lane

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Mae sgamwyr yn dynwared rhifau ffôn ac e-byst GLlTEM go iawn. Efallai y byddan nhw’n mynnu cael taliad ac yn honni eu bod yn cynrychioli CTEM neu’r gwasanaeth gorfodaeth. Os nad ydych yn siŵr, peidiwch â thalu a riportiwch y peth i Action Fraud.

Amseroedd agor

Oriau agor y Llys

9am to 4:30pm

Oriau agor y cownter

10am to 4:30pm

Oriau ateb ymholiadau dros y ffôn

9am to 5pm



(Chancery Judges Listing)

Rhif ffôn

0207 947 6690

(Chancery Judges Listing)

Cyfleusterau yn yr adeilad

Os oes gennych anabledd a’ch bod angen cymorth i ddod i wrandawiad, cysylltwch â ni.


There are no parking facilities at or near this building. All court users are requested to make alternative travel arrangements.

Mynediad i bobl anabl

If you have a Disability and need help coming to a Hearing, please contact 0207 947 700 for assistance and guidance.

Cŵn cymorth

Assistance dogs are welcome.

Dolen glyw

The Court has hearing enhancement facilities.

Bwa diogelwch

The Rolls Building has in use, a Security Arch. Please alert a security officer beforehand if you have a pacemaker fitted. All Court Users and their possessions will be subject to a search upon entering the building. 


Lifts are available to access the first to the fifth floors.

Toiledau cyhoeddus

Public and accessible toilets are available on the first to the fifth floors.

Toiled anabl

Accessible toilets are availble on all floors.

Ystafell gyfweld

There are 55 consultation rooms that are available and can be pre-booked for a fee.

Cyfleuster newid cewynnau babanod

Baby changing facilities are available in the accessible toilets on the ground floor.  Baby nursing and breastfeeding rooms are available on request.

Cyfleusterau fideo

Court/hearing room video conferancing facilities are available (by prior arrangement)

Cysylltiad rhwydwaith di-wifr

Wi-Fi is available to Professional Courts Users and court visitors. In Court facilities will be available for parties own IT equipment, e.g. electronic presentation of evidence.

Cyfieithwyr neu Ddehonglwyr

Cael cyfieithydd mewn llys neu dribiwnlys. (opens in new tab)

Patents Court

Gwneud cwyn

Cysylltwch â ni i wneud cwyn (opens in new tab)

Codau llys ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol cyfreithiol

DX: 160040 Strand 4

Cynllun mynediad i ddefnyddwyr proffesiynol y llysoedd a’r tribiwnlysoedd

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn rhan o’r cynllun hwn

Cofrestru ar gyfer y cynllun (opens in new tab)