Chester Civil and Family Justice Centre

Cysylltu â ni:


Trident House
Little St John Street

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Mae sgamwyr yn dynwared rhifau ffôn ac e-byst GLlTEM go iawn. Efallai y byddan nhw’n mynnu cael taliad ac yn honni eu bod yn cynrychioli CTEM neu’r gwasanaeth gorfodaeth. Os nad ydych yn siŵr, peidiwch â thalu a riportiwch y peth i Action Fraud.

Amseroedd agor

Oriau agor y Llys

Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Oriau ateb ymholiadau dros y ffôn

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Oriau agor swyddfa'r Beiliaid

9:30am to 10:30am

Oriau agor y cownter

By prior appointment only (High court 10am to 4pm)


Nawdd cymdeithasol a chynnal plant
Ymholiadau lle i anadlu
Cyfraith gyhoeddus - teulu (plant mewn gofal)

(Proses ddigidol ar gyfer rhifau achosion gan ddechrau gyda C5)

Rhif ffôn

01244 404 200
Llys teulu
0300 303 0642
Nawdd cymdeithasol a chynnal plant
0300 123 1142
Cyfraith gyhoeddus - teulu (plant mewn gofal)
0330 808 4424

(Proses ddigidol ar gyfer rhifau achosion gan ddechrau gyda C5)

Cyfleusterau yn yr adeilad

Os oes gennych anabledd a’ch bod angen cymorth i ddod i wrandawiad, cysylltwch â 01244 404 200.

Dim parcio

There are no parking facilities at this building, however paid off site parking is available within 100m of the venue on Pepper Street.

Mynediad i bobl anabl

Mae gan yr adeilad hwn fynediad gwastad i fynedfa'r adeilad, ac i mewn i'r llys.

Rhwydwaith Blodau'r Haul Anableddau Cudd

Mae cortynnau gwddf ar gael ar gais.

Cŵn cymorth

Mae croeso i gŵn tywys yn y llys hwn.

Dolen glyw

The building has a portable hearing enhancement system available by prior arrangement. Please contact the court by telephone or email to let us know of your requirements.

Bwa diogelwch

For safety and security, all users and their possessions will be searched by security when they enter this building.  We have a security arch.  Please alert the security officer if you have a pacemaker.


Lifts are available in this building to access all floors.

Toiledau cyhoeddus

Public toilets are available on all floors.

Toiled anabl

Accessible toilets are available and are located on the ground, first and third floors.  Lifts are available to these floors.


Refreshments are available via a vending machine and water coooler.

Ystafell gyfweld

There are private interview rooms on the ground, first and second floors.

Ystafell aros plant

The court has a childrens area on the second floor.

Cyfleuster newid cewynnau babanod

Baby changing facilities are available on the ground, first and third floors.

Cyfleusterau fideo

Video conference facilities excluding prison to court video links [for courts only].  For queries please contact 01244 404 274 or 257.

Cysylltiad rhwydwaith di-wifr

Wi-Fi is available in all areas of the building.  Please read notices on display.

Gwasanaeth tystion

Support Through Court (previously known as the PSU) is available on site to provide assistance.  

Cyfieithwyr neu Ddehonglwyr

Cael cyfieithydd mewn llys neu dribiwnlys. (opens in new tab)

Chester Civil and Family Justice Centre

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn ymdrin â

Mwy o wybodaeth am

Gwneud cwyn

Cysylltwch â ni i wneud cwyn (opens in new tab)

Codau llys ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol cyfreithiol

Cod lleoliad Llys Sirol: 170

DX: 702460 Chester 4

Cynllun mynediad i ddefnyddwyr proffesiynol y llysoedd a’r tribiwnlysoedd

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn rhan o’r cynllun hwn

Cofrestru ar gyfer y cynllun (opens in new tab)