Central Criminal Court

Cysylltu â ni:


Old Bailey

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Mae sgamwyr yn dynwared rhifau ffôn ac e-byst GLlTEM go iawn. Efallai y byddan nhw’n mynnu cael taliad ac yn honni eu bod yn cynrychioli CTEM neu’r gwasanaeth gorfodaeth. Os nad ydych yn siŵr, peidiwch â thalu a riportiwch y peth i Action Fraud.

Amseroedd agor

Oriau agor y cownter

10am to 5pm

Oriau agor y Llys

8am to 7pm. Public access from 9:30am to 3:30pm.



(Witness enquires only)

Rhif ffôn

020 7192 2739
Gwasanaeth i dystion
020 7192 2422
Gwasanaeth i dystion
020 7192 2423

Cyfleusterau yn yr adeilad

Os oes gennych anabledd a’ch bod angen cymorth i ddod i wrandawiad, cysylltwch â 020 7192 2739.

Mynediad i bobl anabl

Disabled access, toilet and parking facilities available with prior notification.

Rhwydwaith Blodau'r Haul Anableddau Cudd

Mae cortynnau gwddf ar gael ar gais.

Cŵn cymorth

Assistance dogs are welcome

Dolen glyw

The building has a portable hearing enhancement system available by prior arrangement. Please contact the court by telephone or email to let us know of your requirements.

Bwa diogelwch

No large bags or rucksacks are allowed in the building, though handbags are acceptable. Also no electronic devices, food or drink are allowed. There are no facilities for the safekeeping of such items available at the entrance to the public galleries


Refreshments are available to court users, no refreshment facilities to the public.

Ystafell gyfweld

Some private waiting rooms are available which can also be used for court video link as well as interview rooms.

Cyfleusterau fideo

Video conference and Prison Video Link facilities.

Cysylltiad rhwydwaith di-wifr

This court has wireless internet access available within some parts of the building

Cyfieithwyr neu Ddehonglwyr

Cael cyfieithydd mewn llys neu dribiwnlys. (opens in new tab)

Central Criminal Court

Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn ymdrin â

  • Troseddu

  • Y Weithdrefn Un Ynad

Gwneud cwyn

Cysylltwch â ni i wneud cwyn (opens in new tab)

Codau llys ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol cyfreithiol

Cod lleoliad Llys y Goron: 413

DX: 46700 Old Bailey

Cynllun mynediad i ddefnyddwyr proffesiynol y llysoedd a’r tribiwnlysoedd

Nid yw'r lleoliad hwn yn rhan o’r cynllun hwn

Dysgu am y cynllun (opens in new tab)